Monday, May 31, 2010

WANTED: Mouse Killer

Last night after an evening of hanging out with the girls over at the Lovett house I came home and was unwinding a bit before going to bed.  I sat down to journal and catch up on the happenings of Facebook over the last few hours.  Suddenly I heard a ruckus coming from the bakers rack.
 Beaux started barking and immediately I was on my knees on the couch saying, "You have got to be kidding me." In the few seconds between the first time I heard it and the second time I tried to figure out if there was any rational explanation other than a mouse roaming about my house.  My feeble attempt at wishing away the thought of a possible furry intruder was quickly replaced by the reality of it running across my dining room floor.  Beaux was going crazy, I was all but screaming and totally gripped with fear.  I didn't want to get off the couch because I didn't have any shoes on.  Once as a kid my grandmother stepped on a mouse she was chasing in her bare feet.  I can still remember the scream she let out.  Not something I wanted to reenact.  As I stared, mostly motionless, in the direction I had last seen it run, behind my china shelf, I pondered if there was anyone that I could call to rescue me at 1am.  I thought of people that probably love me enough to come be my hero, but couldn't bring myself to actually wake them up.

Beaux's barking did not seem to intimidate the little rascal, who eventually ran back towards the kitchen from whence he came, but was doing a lot to increase the rattle of my nerves.  As soon as the trespasser proceeded away from me and the entrance to my room I grabbed Beaux's crate and a few of his favored toys and we went to my bedroom.  I barricaded the bottom of the door with blankets.  Beaux was going nuts.  He started sniffing around the room, barking at nothing.  I was further freaked out sitting indian style on my bed near tears.  Visions of an entire mouse village running around under my bed diminished as he calmed down and it became apparent that he was just a little wound up.  I thought I might end up staying up all night reading, as sleep seemed VERY illusive, but eventually I mustered the courage to put Beaux in the crate, turn off the lights and go to sleep.  

Since I forewent all before bed rituals, including letting Beaux out one final time before bed, we were awake at 7am this morning.  I had hopes, high hopes, that I would find the little critter stuck to one of the several remaining sticky traps around my house, but alas he is nowhere to be found.  

I'm less concerned about a reappearance of the critter in the day light, though evidence of him is obvious in the kitchen.  I am, however, currently wearing shoes around the house, and truth be told, if it wasn't so hot I'd probably be wearing my rain boot as a precautionary measure.  

I have a "silly" list of reasons why I need a husband that include things like; take out the trash, maintain the car, kill bugs, etc.  "Remove dead mice" has changed to "hunt, kill and eliminate mice" and has moved up significantly on the list.  

WANTED: Tall(er than me), good looking, single guy. Able to hunt and kill mice with his bare hands. Willing to make a lifetime commitment!  (Joking... sorta.)  ;)

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