Monday, March 22, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday - This is the Day the Lord Has Made!

It's Monday, and like most people I know the weekend, though good, was more tiring than restful.  Consequently I thought long and hard before I got out of bed and committed to going to the gym.  Even the prospect of coffee already in the pot wasn't much of a motivator.  Turning 30 was... and so was the thought of trying to develop more discipline in my life.  Now I'm faced with trying to make this a productive day despite my lack of motivation.  I did manage to dwindle down the emails in my inbox, and honestly if that's all I really accomplish today I will consider it successful!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love doesn't cost a thing... or does it?

Back around Valentine's Day I started writing about love.  I was pondering how we love others and if loving others the way we receive love, instead of how they receive love, is love at all.  Well, I got about knee deep in the blog and got stuck.  Not so unusual.  There are lots of 1/2 written blogs in my repertoire. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Gotta' Have Faith

I recently joined an online book club.  It's awesome because there are about 100 people reading different books and then talking about what they read.  It's fun to see how everyone felt about the different characters and situations.  Also, because different people are reading and discussing different books you get an idea of whether or not you want to read it. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The last few days...

Recently I have been repeatedly confronted with opportunities to loose my cool, and at times have held onto it by a slipping thread.  At the beginning of February, during our Ministers Summit, I attended a workshop about Emotional Intelligence, or EQ.  EQ is basically emotional maturity.  The ability to control your emotions.  It's not just being a grown up by the numbers but by the attitude.