Monday, January 25, 2010

I Got a New Attitude

A year ago I made up my mind to get in shape.  30 was looming over a year away and I wanted to feel better when I turned 30 than I did a few months before 29.  I started by walking here on campus in the mornings.  When summer started to roll around it just got too stinking hot and the opportunity opened up for me to join the gym with a few of my friends.  Throughout the summer we were hard core, sometimes doing 2-a-days and challenging each other to be there every morning.  As Summer ended and we welcomed fall and the peace and quiet that comes with the tourists going home, schedules got crazy.  Our morning workouts had at some point shifted to evenings after work, but with only Monday and Thursday evenings free that didn't leave me much time to hit the gym.  Then the conference season started and that really threw me off schedule.  I stuck to it as much as I could, but wasn't pushing myself the way I wanted to.