Thursday, May 26, 2011

100 Random Facts About Me

100.  Despite my attempt at having other favorite colors I always come back to pink.  I suppose I’m just a girlie girl at heart!  

99.  I like peach flavored things - peach cobbler, peach candy, peach flavored drinks.

98.  I love roses, but specifically I love unique colors of roses.  Not a big fan of red roses though I wouldn’t turn them down if someone brought/sent me some.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts on Prayer

I have a confession to make.  My whole life I have been embarrassed to pray in front of people.  I can get up and lead worship, I can teach, I can do a lot of things that require speaking in front of people, but praying in front of people makes me panic a tad.  I’ve always felt like I didn’t have the right words, or like people would think my prayers were too simple.  I’m not really great at quoting chapter and verse, but I can usually get the gist of it.  I feel like I missed the lesson on the powerful prayer formula.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mom Dream 5.4.11

WARNING:  This may induce tears... or maybe I’m the only one that it made cry....

I didn’t sleep so well last night.  I had a dream that my Mom was still alive.  But it wasn’t a good dream.