Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blessed Beyond Measure!

Today I had lunch with Rebecca.  Okay, yes it was the second time this week and maybe I could still sit and talk to her for another five hours and still not run out of things to say.  I can't help it!  She's one of my besties! 

Anyway.... we were talking about our jobs, our church, our lives... which if you work at Christian International are all one in the same... and commenting on how blessed we are to be here.  Just now I was sitting here reflecting on our conversation and thinking about my life as a whole and how very blessed I am.  I don't have a lot of things or a lot of money.  I'm not married or even dating anyone.  But I have an amazing life!  I am blessed beyond measure!  I have an amazing Mom who is always there for me.  I have a sister whom I love dearly.  I have the most amazing friends both here and all across the country some that have been in my life a short time while others my whole life.  I go to an amazing church, have awesome pastors and leaders.  I work for an incredible ministry and for some of the kindest people you will ever meet.  Not to mention I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!

Is my life perfect?  No!  Are there things I wish were different?  Yes!  But I choose to focus on the positive things, on the blessings in my life.  I challenge you to take a minute and make a list of all of the blessings in your life.  Maybe it's your friends, your children, your pet?  Make a list of all of your blessings and when life seems like it has you down go to that list.  Don't take for granted the blessings you have! 

Sometimes I feel like a broken record, but I am so blessed to be where I am and with the people I am with!  I sure am glad to know God had a perfect plan when he sent me here almost 12 years ago!

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