Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Day In the Life

I tend to feel this pressure to only blog about revelatory moments in my life, or when I'm struggling with and overcoming something.... you know in order to help others do the same.  However, back in the day when my blogging consisted of filling up my Myspace Blog or the Notes section of my Facebook or my Live Journal or my Blogger account I didn't care so much.  I wrote about any and everything going on in my life.  Now however, paying for hosting I feel like I have to make it mean something.

Today I'm going to break that pattern and just let you all know what's happening in my life these days.  Maybe you don't care... that's fine, don't read.  But if you do care you now get an extra glimpse into my life (beyond what you already get through my Twitter and Facebook updates).

I've been a puppy mommy for more than six weeks now and Beaux and I seem to be doing well.  I will admit there are days when he's jumping on me and "down" is not having it's desired effect that I look at him and think, "Oh my gosh I have to take care of you for the rest of your life.... which will be at least the next 15 years."  I've decided it's just helping me deal with any commitment issues that might be hiding in me.  If you've ever heard anyone say having a puppy is like having a kid it is completely true!  You have to feed them, potty train them, clean up after them, bathe them and teach them manners.  Their behavior as an adult is completely dependent on your ability to discipline and form them as a "child."  The thing with puppies is that they go through all of the phases of growing up in about 10% of the time.  Remember... a dog year is the equivalent of seven human years, but by the time they are 1 year old they aren't really considered a puppy anymore.  Beaux is nearing six months, though since he's a rescue dog there's no telling how old he really is.  That means he's about to hit his "teenage" years.... Lord, help me!  At least it won't last forever!

On Sunday I had Zion and Judah while Candice shot a wedding and Michael assisted her.  After taking them to Cottages for Kids in Rosemary Beach we were headed back to my house to walk Beaux and have dinner before I took them home and put them to bed.  They've only been around Beaux two times and can be a little spastic around dogs in general so I was giving them "the speech."  "Now remember you can't scream at him.  And if he jumps up on you turn away.  And if you run from him he's going to think you are playing and want him to chase you."  One of the boys asked why he jumps on them.  I thought for a second and said, "Well, why do you jump up on Jermaine when he comes over?"  I glanced back at Zion and he had this silly grin on his face while he said, "Cause I just get SOOOO excited!"  I laughed and replied, "And Beaux gets SOOOO excited when you come to see him."  Amazingly that explanation worked, and continued to work all night.  Puppies really are like children in SO MANY WAYS!

This Saturday Rebecca and Jermaine will have been married for three whole weeks, which means I will have officially been roommate-less for three whole weeks.  The first few days were an adjustment for sure, going from a house full of people the week before to just Beaux and me the night after the wedding.  Beaux kept sniffing under closed doors as if he was sure there had to be someone there other than just me.  Having the house to ourselves I also took the opportunity to switch his crate location to the living room.  I've slept much better not hearing his every move in the night and it makes putting him in there when I have to leave the house so much easier.  All in all I'm enjoying having the house to myself, but I do miss having Rebecca around to tell about the random thoughts going through this head of mine.  I was so excited when they stopped by to say hello the Monday they got back in town.  They've also been over twice to watch 24 with me!  Last night Beaux cried for 10 minutes after they left.  Today Rebecca is back in the office. It's nice to have her just a few clicks and some typing away at the other end of an IM or a short walk across the office if I think of something I need/want to tell her right now!

Almost two weeks ago Candice passed along a Facebook status from a wedding/event planner friend of hers.  Turns out Robyn, of Mix Mingle Glow, was looking for day-of wedding assistants.  I love helping with weddings at the church and have had many people say they think I should start my own wedding planning business.  I don't get all jump up and down excited at the thought of having my own business, but had expressed to Candice if she ever heard of anyone needing help to let me know.  I emailed Robyn and then actually got to meet her that night at Candice's birthday party.  We made plans to touch base about the wedding she had coming up the next weekend.  We talked at the beginning of the next week and then I met her Thursday before the rehearsal to go over some stuff.  The rehearsal was a breeze and the next day I was at the Santa Rosa Golf and Beach Club at 2pm to assist with my first non-CI wedding.  It was a blast!  Yeah there as work involved, but Robyn is great!  We had some time setting up the candy bar to chat and get to know each other.  (Also, my former boss, Kimberly, and her husband Bill were having lunch there.  They're in town often, but I rarely see them.  How funny that I ran into them there.)  I loved working with Robyn and can't wait to do some more weddings with her!  I agree it was probably the perfect wedding to "get my feet wet!" 

As if that isn't all enough change and excitement ... I'm starting a Bible Study for the 20-35 age group at my house in two weeks.  It's a vision that has been in the works since about mid-March.  I'm really excited!  We're going to start by studying the book of Ephesians.  I'm even going to stream it via my laptop so that people who don't live here or can't make a meeting can still participate.  It will stream right here to karagene.net.  So Thursday June 10th at 7pm Central time tune in right here or come visit us in my living room!  Oh, that's what I'm calling it - The Living Room.... Where Life Happens!

So there's an update on my life over the last several weeks.  I'll try to do better and not get locked into waxing philosophical every time I blog!

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