Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts on Prayer

I have a confession to make.  My whole life I have been embarrassed to pray in front of people.  I can get up and lead worship, I can teach, I can do a lot of things that require speaking in front of people, but praying in front of people makes me panic a tad.  I’ve always felt like I didn’t have the right words, or like people would think my prayers were too simple.  I’m not really great at quoting chapter and verse, but I can usually get the gist of it.  I feel like I missed the lesson on the powerful prayer formula.  

I’ve often thought about this with a twinge of irritation towards my Mom and her husband.  I mean, I grew up in a house with two “intercessors,” (if you know what happened with the StepMonster you understand why that’s in quotes), they spent HOURS a day in prayer, yet feel inadequate when it comes to praying in front of others.

Maybe it’s that I feel I communicate so much better on paper than I do in a verbal “spontaneous” manner.  It’s why I like teaching, because I can plan everything I’m going to say ahead of time.  However, if you ask me a “tough question” I’ll either need some time to think about my answer before sharing, or I’ll give some menial answer and later you’ll get an email from me... or a follow up conversation once I’ve had time to ponder it over.  

Yesterday at church we were praying for prodigals to come home.  I felt like I should go pray in the prodigal fathers, but I just couldn’t bring myself to step forward and do it.  Why?  Because I was afraid my prayers would not be charismatic enough, or long enough, or filled with the right words.  Sad, I know.  Stupid, I know.  But it’s how I felt.

See, when I pray in my own quiet time and throughout the day I just talk to God.  I ask Him questions and tell him things just like I would you, if you were sitting here with me right now.  I don’t use fancy words.  I just talk to my Father, my friend, my Savior.  I say stuff like, “God I know if something or someone annoys me it’s because it’s pushing a button in my heart.  Will you please show me the button and help me get over it?”  And when He shows me the button I say, “Help me disable that button so it’s not an issue anymore.  And remind me when those things start to make my blood boil why I feel the way I do.”

This morning Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional tweet was about the power of a simple prayer.  “Lengthy prayers aren’t necessarily more effective. Discover how a few words will go a long way.”  Before even reading the devotional I felt better.  As she says, there’s nothing wrong with lengthy prayers, as long as they are sincere, but guess what... There’s also nothing wrong with my simple prayers.  

What would I have prayed yesterday if I had overcome my issues and stepped forward?  I think it would have gone a little bit like this, “Lord, as a daughter I pray that you draw back the prodigal fathers.  Cause their hearts to be turned back to you and a desire rise in their hearts to take their rightful places in their families and in the church.”

What do your prayers sound like?  Are you talking to a friend or some far away being?

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