Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Glass Box of Emotion

Yeah, so I have no idea what is wrong with me today, but I have been on the verge of tears all day. Truth be told I actually shed a few this morning. Nothing upsetting has happened. I got an average amount of sleep last night. There's really no reason for this. No, I'm not PMSing... there should be no abnormally raging hormones causing my current emotional state. Hence the "Glass Box of Emotion." I'm in it, and I don't know how. I can see out, but there's no door. Boo!

There are things on my mind, things I'm weighing and contemplating, but no more than normal. And none seemingly stressful enough to provoke tears.

Amanda and I were going to go for a nice long walk, but I hear thunder so ... I may have to go home and dance away my blues. With a workout video of course...

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