Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Roadside Rescuers Strike Again and... Chivalry is almost dead...

Today was going like any other Tuesday.  I was a little later than usual to work because I woke up feeling rather crappy.  Bronchitis seems to have turned into a sinus infection and the combination has the potential to make me feel very miserable.  Not to mention I don’t talk, I croak.  My plan was to wait until tomorrow, when we get paid, to go back down to the walk in clinic and say, “Help!  Your antibiotics didn’t work and I have to lead worship this Sunday!”  I had an appointment at 2pm to get my bangs trimmed and afterwards decided since I was halfway to the clinic I would head out there today.  

Halfway there my car, which was running perfectly fine before, started to make a sputtering noise.  I decided to turn around and head back to the office.  When I put my foot on the brake, as I approached an intersection, it died.  Somehow I managed to coast from the left hand lane across to the corner of the turn lane, but I couldn’t go any further than that.  (This is the second time in my life I’ve broken down in the left hand lane and had to coast across other lanes of traffic and miraculously no one was coming.)  I was right by a gas station, a somewhat scary gas station, but I couldn’t get it around the corner and into the lot.

I turned on my hazard lights, stayed in the car, and tried to figure out who to call.  Do I call Pastor Dan like I always do?  Do I try to call someone that lives near by?  I needed a guy to come and help move the car.  I tried a combination of both... no answer.  So I called Sherilyn at the office and asked her to send one of the guys.  Sick, frustrated, and getting hot, I sat in the car.  

Despite having my hazard lights on several cars came up behind me and honked.  REALLY?  What part of the flashing lights on the back of my car did they not get?  I was even more amazed at all the guys that drove by that didn’t stop to offer help.  Maybe it’s because I was in the car and not standing out by it, but it was not a smart idea to stand on the corner of a busy intersection.   However, I may not have been all that much safer in the car since people didn’t seem to understand the hazard lights.  

I was starting to wonder if chivalry had died completely when a finally a guy jumped out of the passenger side of an SUV that was headed another direction and ran over offering to push it into the gas station parking lot.  He was with a girl, probably his wife or girlfriend that said, “Go help her!”  Either way it was really sweet of him to push my car into the parking lot.  He didn’t even wait around long enough for me to thank him.  Just ran back and jumped in his car.  I got out just in time to yell thank you and wave at them both.

Jimmy and Pastor Dan showed up and went to work trying to figure out what was wrong.  They tried to jump the car, but it didn’t work.  I went into the gas station and bought a Coke to finally get rid of a bit.. okay a lot... of corrosion off of my battery.  Once that was gone they attempted jumping the car again.  It worked, sounded normal, so I started to drive it home.  Jimmy was behind me, all was going well until we got about halfway back.  Again as I got to an intersection and started to put on the brake it sputtered and died.  This time smoke was pouring out from under the hood.  Phrases like “there’s a lot of oil” and “cracked head gasket” were being thrown around.  Neither are comforting.

I left Clementine at the intersection of 98 and 331.  We called Norm, the trusty car guy, and he was going to come tow it.  Pastor Dan also called the Sheriff’s office to let them know that my car was being picked up so I wouldn’t get a ticket for abandoning it at the intersection.  

I’m hoping it’s nothing major...

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