Monday, January 30, 2012

My Car Wish List

Well as you know I'm car shopping.  It's funny how everyone and their brother knows someone that can help you find a car.  It's awesome, and overwhelming all at the same time.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Roadside Rescuers Strike Again and... Chivalry is almost dead...

Today was going like any other Tuesday.  I was a little later than usual to work because I woke up feeling rather crappy.  Bronchitis seems to have turned into a sinus infection and the combination has the potential to make me feel very miserable.  Not to mention I don’t talk, I croak.  My plan was to wait until tomorrow, when we get paid, to go back down to the walk in clinic and say, “Help!  Your antibiotics didn’t work and I have to lead worship this Sunday!”  I had an appointment at 2pm to get my bangs trimmed and afterwards decided since I was halfway to the clinic I would head out there today.  

My Love/Hate Relationship with Planning

I love to plan and be organized and have goals, but sometimes the process of putting all of that in place gets me down.  I spent most of an entire work day making a to-do list for our media team and planning deadlines for some major upcoming projects.  As much as I LOVE planning I was frustrated by the process.  I had to keep in mind that in the long run the time, that was seemingly unproductive, spent marking things on a calendar, sending emails to assign task deadlines, and making our to-do list would make me happy in the long run.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Confession: I have Thursday hair!

You read that right.  I have Thursday hair.  Most people would be very familiar with the idea of Monday hair - It’s the first day back to work after a relaxing weekend and the last thing you want to do is put any effort into fixing your hair.  You do what is necessary to make you look presentable for work, but everyone knows that the state of your hair is a silent protest to the end of the weekend and the beginning of another week.  

Friday, January 6, 2012

I will not succomb to comfort foods!

There's something about being sick, even if you don't feel that bad, that can be a challenge ready to derail you from any eating plan whether it's a diet or a fast.  I've been coughing since about New Year's Day, but just kept thinking, "Oh it will get better!"  Yesterday my sister called and told me that everyone in the family has either acute bronchitis or pneumonia.  Well... I decided I should probably go get checked out.  I don't want to mess with possibly messing up my lungs!  Sure enough I have bronchitis.  I was prescribed a ZPak and cough syrup with condone and sent on my way.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The wonder of a smoothie and a spinach salad!

I bought stuff last night to make smoothies in the mornings.  However, I have to actually get up in time to make said smoothie before leaving for work.  Despite my Sleepy Time Extra tea and my favorite night time cough syrup I didn't sleep too well and then overslept.  And as it would happen I HAD to wash my hair this morning.  So... I forewent the smoothie and grabbed a banana on the way out the door, my coffee with vanilla almond milk in the other hand.

Since I was late to work I hit the ground "running" and didn't break open my banana until the end of a meeting with my Media team.  Guess what happened as I was peeling my banana just about ready to take a bite?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Gotta love that post workout feeling!

I honestly love that feeling after a workout when my muscles are throbbing.  Then I know I didn't "phone it in," but I worked it!  And I LOVE Zumba.  I'm glad I can do it with the Wii in the comfort of my living room whenever I can fit it in.  I'm sure going to the gym would be awesome, but I just don't have the time for that.

Okay, day two of this fast... I had coffee with vanilla almond milk, no sugar added peach applesauce, a banana, and an Italian salad and Tag Pic Pac with whole wheat pasta.  I also drank LOTs of water, well over 100 ounces.  I just had a cup of Sleepy Time Extra tea with some honey.  I'll be sleeping like a baby before too long!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bring on 2012!

It’s the second day of 2012 and I’m staring at a half lit Christmas tree.  I lack the motivation to take it down at the moment, thanks in part to a post vacation cough that I acquired.  Actually most of my family was sick and I thought I had avoided it.  But I suppose when an adorable 16 month old is