This morning I posted a status on Facebook regarding my pet peeve of the misuse of “your” and “you’re.” It started me thinking about my sundry list of pet peeves and I almost started to make that list a blog. It would have been something like, “Kara’s Top 20 Pet Peeves.”
However, I decided such a negative list did two things - 1. It makes me look like a pessimist. 2. It completely counteracts my current mission of giving thanks for one thing everyday. Instead I have decided to make a list of 20 things I love. Let’s consider this my contribution to all of those who post “Things I Love Thursday.” (It is important to note that this is a list of THINGS - items, activities, etc. - not people.)
Here they are in no particular order:
1. Rain - I live in the Sunshine State, but I love rain!
2. The Beach - This is a fairly recent love as I used to hate having sand on me. I still hate it, but my love for the beauty of the beach overrides my disgust for sand being on me.
3. Coffee!
4. Music!
5. Hugs!
6. Exclamation Marks and Emoticons! :-)
7. Lunch and coffee dates with friends - They are the best way to break up the day.
8. Presents - I love all presents! Big, small... it matters not. It lets me know you were thinking about me.
9. Roses - I am that cheesy girl that loves roses, but not red ones or yellow ones. They are too generic.
10. Quality time doing nothing particularly special with my favorite people.
11. Facebook - It allows me to keep up with people, be a stalker without anyone knowing and express my thoughts and opinions to the world with just a few keystrokes.
12. Twitter - I love it for the same reasons I love Facebook. Even if I am occasionally accused of living my life in 140 character thoughts.
13. My Droid 2 - It keeps me connected at all times.
14. Fall and Winter - I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, the clothes, the holidays that occur in those months. Love everything about it!
15. Snow - There was a collective groan as people read the “s” word. But I love snow. Always have. I feel kinda jipped if I go north during the winter and don’t get to see any. I also keep hoping and praying to see some here in Florida.
16. Chocolate Chip Cookies
17. Holiday Reese’s Cups - Pumpkins, Trees, Hearts... etc.
18. Italian and Mexican Food - not at the same time.
19. Chick Flicks
20. Pinterest - I’m addicted! What can I say?
What do you love?
I love you! Seriously! :)
Aww! I seriously love you too!
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