Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I want to be that Mom!

Tonight as I was making my homemade pb&j toaster pastries I was reminded of one of my Mom's favorite stories from my childhood. One of my good friends, Lissi, lived across the street. One day i came home from playing at her house and said, "Mom, Lissi's Mom made french toast from scratch!"
Now french toast from scratch isn't that big of a deal unless you're talking about making the bread too. But considering my Mom didn't cook I was seriously impressed. (It's not that she couldn't cook... she chose not to.)

I said to myself, "My kids are going to think I'm so cool." I can already hear the other Moms calling and saying, "Um, my child says you made homemade pop tarts for their snack. Is that true?" Yep... I'm going to be that Mom and I'm going to love every moment of it!

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