Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Friends Are Friends Forever

I've heard it a million times - Some people come into our lives for a reason, a season and others a lifetime.  Over almost 30 years of life I've seen a lot of people come and go.  Maybe even more so than the average person since the two places I've lived the longest are typically known for transition.  Six years in Columbus and then going on 11.5 here in Florida have been spent in places with Bible Colleges.  Typically Bible College students aren't supposed to stick around forever.  The intention is for them to come, be trained and then go out!  There are the select few of us that find ourselves becoming more permanent fixtures.  One would think living in this type of environment most of my life would leave me with lots of reasons and seasons, but few lifetimes.  I'm blessed to say that is not the case.

It is also said that one should consider them self blessed if they have a few close friends in their life.  Well, I consider myself abundantly blessed because there are four ladies who I have been friends with for somewhere around 17 years.  Though Crysta, Gena, Glenda, Natalie and I are now spread all over, far from Columbus, Ohio where our sisterhood began, we are still joined by a lasting bond of friendship.  We don't necessarily talk weekly, or even email weekly, but we always know the others are there in a heartbeat if we need them.  And we know that the next time we get together we will pick up right where we left off.  Once they were strangers, then they became friends, but now they are more than that.  They are my sisters.  They are a part of me.  I feel like if people who know me now met them they would understand me a little more.  We have laughed together, cried together, ministered together, gotten in trouble together, grew up together and will grow old together.  They are lifetime friends.  They are my heart!

I had the opportunity to spend time with Gena and Crysta over Thanksgiving week.  Gena, her husband Toby and their three amazing kids live in Baton Rouge, LA.  Fortunately it's a short six hour drive away, and one I have come to know very well.  I know where to find cheap gas, clean restrooms, Arby's, Cane's and Starbucks between here and there.  I try not to let too many months slip by before I go see them, but sometimes it's fewer and farther between than I would like.  Gena and Toby's house is an oasis for me.  More times than I can begin to count, a trip to their house has come right on time.  Whether I need a change of scenery, a break from the day-to-day or an escape from the drama I know I will find it at their house.  There is such a comfort in being with people that really know you and except you for exactly who you are.  There are no demands at their house except to dote on my adorable niece and nephews.  Not only is Gena like a sister, but when she married Toby we all got a brother.  It's nice to know he's as excited about me coming to visit as she is and that he doesn't just tolerate me for her sake. 

Crysta and Gena are biological sisters.  Crysta, Gena and Crysta's family, and Toby's family all live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  Gena and Toby rotate Thanksgiving and Christmas with their families each year.  Last year it was Thanksgiving with Gena's family and they drove to Baton Rouge from Ft. Worth.  This year it was Thanksgiving with Toby's family so they would be trekking to Dallas and invited me to join them.  Originally I had declined figuring I couldn't take the entire week off from work. I had resolved to stay here and even started making plans to do a Thanksgiving meal at my house.  Well, those plans fell through and I found myself wondering what I would do on Thanksgiving Day.  One night I thought about what it would be like to be able to go with them to Dallas.  After that I just couldn't shake the thought of going, and decided I would make it work!

I'm so glad I did!  Right now I am single and able to make last minute decisions to do things like go to Dallas for Thanksgiving.  If I were married, or even just dating, I might not have such luxuries.  When I have kids it definitely won't be as easy.  I got to spend an entire week with some of my favorite people on the planet! 

If these were the only close friends I had I would consider myself fortunate, but God has blessed me with others.  I have friends all over the country and though many of them I rarely get to see they hold a special place in my heart, and I know the same is true for me in theirs. 

Thanksgiving and Christmas always make me reflect on all the blessings that I have.  I am thankful for all my girls!  I'm thankful that this year I got to see all four of my girls!  It's the first time in a long time that has hapened.

I'm thankful for every person that God has brought into my life.  I know that none have come and gone without leaving some sort of mark on my life. 

What are you thankful for?  Who are you thankful for?  Have you taken the time lately to let them know you are?

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