Back to Saturday night - It's probably important to note that I woke up at 4:30am totally paranoid that my phone (my only alarm clock) would not automatically "spring forward." It did change automatically, and I went back to sleep for a few hours. I believe it was during my second phase of sleep that I dreamed about baking cakes (probably from watching too many episodes of Ace of Cakes). I don't have recurring dreams about baking, as much as I love baking, but the other dream I had is related to a recurring dream theme.

This is not the first dream of this type that I have had about that house. Anytime I dream about that house I am packing for something, be it a trip or to move. And though often in dreams I am someplace, but it doesn't look like that place does in reality, "my house" always looks exactly as it did when I left it in August of 1998.
Now I firmly believe in pizza dreams and significant dreams. I have had my fair share of pizza dreams, but I have also had dreams where I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God was using them to speak to me. That in mind I have to wonder what "my house" symbolizes and why I continue to dream about it.
I pondered this as I attempted to fall asleep last night. Perhaps it's a security that I haven't found since? Or maybe it has to do with leaving and never returning? (My parents packed up and moved to Arizona after I moved out.) I lived there from age 12 to 18. Grant it that is only 6 years, but it is actually the longest I have ever lived in the same house in my nearly 29 years. So, maybe that is the key? It's the only stability I've ever experienced for an extended period of time. Perhaps it's all of the memories? I lived there through Jr. High and High School, formidable years in anyone's life. Maybe 7777 Quarry Cliff Court embodies the happiness of my youth?
Whatever the significance the house plays, in nearly every dream that takes place there I am leaving. I am gathering my belongings either to go on a trip or moving away. In each dream (with the exception of one last week when I dreamed Sarah and I lived there) my Mom and Step-Dad are there as well. Okay, I take that back. There have been a few dreams where I was sneaking around the house, knowing that other people lived there/owned it, looking for things I had left behind. In those instances I've been by myself.
Since this blog is getting longer by the second I think I will separate my recurring dreams into several entries. I'm praying and asking God to show me what He's trying to say through these dreams or what I need to do to move past them. If you have any advice I'm open to it!
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